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What are you afraid of?

Hey lovely reader, I have not written in the longest time, and it's not because I did not want to, I simply was not inspired. I was recently taken out of my writing heist and took to the Vivid Women's Conference to perform a piece I wrote some time back. The interesting thing was that its relevance spoke so deeply to my present. I hope it inspires you.

What are you afraid of?

Starring back at me as though through a magnifying glass is my potential, engraved in the cracks of past experience are the cracks that speak to me as through the mirrored reflection of fear,

Fear of who I am, fear of what I could be,

Be the powerful human that I am created to be,

Such as though the inclination will shift my balance

and throw me off the path that I am intended to walk, speak, be

Only this mirrored reflection on my face speaks little of the terror within me.

I AM TERRIFIED, for I have long since lied to myself enough

to let the screams of frustration linger at the base of my throat,

frustration of what it is I could be.

So I fought hock, line and sinker for a brave face,

Only, brave is for the warriors

that grace the land of the brave

So, it begs the question,

what are you afraid of?

Marianne Williamson once said;

Our greatest fear is not that we are inadequate,

our greatest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure.

It is our light, not our darkness that most terrifies us.

Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous?

Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God.

Your playing small does not serve the world,

no enlightenment in you shrinking yourself,

for the light within us is to illuminate the glory of God.

It is not just in some of us, it is in all of us.

When you shine your light you automatically

give permission to others to do the same,

As we are liberated from our own fear,

our presence liberates others.

This liberty that is to be the light that illuminates

from the corners of my mind,

casting away any element of fear,

any shadow of darkness,

any hint of doubt.

Our abilities are far greater than we can fathom, What our imagination can conjure is but a drop in the Atlantic, as oceans will part and

mountains will move

if we harness the greatness that is you, we, me For Gods ability, is far greater than you, we, me, I can fathom.

So ask you this question,

what are you afraid of?

From one Powerhouse to another

Love Mavis


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