When celebrating, there is a sense of nostalgia, reminiscing on what was and in the same breath, an excitement of what is to come. When looking at thirty years, which marks a pearl anniversary, there is a bitter sweet moment, where one sighs.
At Kapia Optics that sigh holds a great amount of memories in it. That sigh holds relief, relief at how far you have come. That sigh holds hidden struggles, struggles not many know of. That sigh holds in it hope, hope of what is yet to come. That sigh holds celebration, celebration of how far we have come, how far we are yet to go and how far we can only dream of going.
That sigh holds in it, the founder of Kapia Optics, who had a vision that she realized in the latter part of an independent Namibia. That sigh holds the Kapia Optics family and employees. People whose lives are what they are today as a result of a founder who was relentless in establishing a company that has seen decades. A company that has been able to go far beyond the confines of Oshakati, a company that has spread it's wings across Namibia. A company that holds much to be celebrated and thirty years later, we do just that, celebrate thirty years of Kapia Optics.
A company founded thirty years ago by Mrs. Kapia, who has been nothing short of a Namibian inspirational story.
A celebratory event was hosted highlighting the successes of the Kapia Optics brand over the past thirty years. Celebrating the founder and the employees of the company.
When celebrating, we must take a look at the people who have made a success of Kapia Optics, as without a formidable work force, the brand that is Kapia Optics would not be as we know it today. Employees who have been with the company since it's inception and continue to serve.
There remains a formidable group of people who have supported the vision of Mrs. Kapia, one of whom is Kuku Rakkel Ndeshimona.
Fun Facts about Kuku Rakkel
1. Mrs. Kapia's Teacher at Okahao Secondary School(1969)
2. One of the first customers of Mrs. Kapia and has been coming to Kapia Optics ever since its inception.
If you would like to read up more on Kapia Optics and the story of how it was founded - read here.
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Thank you for reading and taking time out to hear our story.
Kapia Optics
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