I believe leadership is....
"Accepting and sharing your authentic self while helping others to know and
trust theirs. Authenticity in leadership can help others stay with you through
the good and the bad because they can trust you, as you trust yourself."
Frances Brown (Course and Mentoring Director
Our beliefs are assumptions that we make about the world.
Values are things that we hold to be important in our lives whether personally or professionally
(although they may cross over both).
An attitude is a frame of mind that you have towards others or situations that inform decisions and actions.
Values can be big moral and ethical ideals that you hold dear,
but also things that make you feel alive, excited and more productive.
• Set the timer (for instance, on your phone) for two minutes
• Write down as many of your values as you can think of in the time
allowed, writing one value on each post-it
Meaningful work
A meaningful life
Transfer of information, knowledge and skills
Group the Values into 4 categories as stipulated below;
1. Always Important
Meaningful work
A meaningful life
Transfer of information, knowledge and skills
2. Sometimes Important
3. Rarely Important
4. Never Important
We are going to take a look at perspective. It’s going to touch on something that we’ve
mentioned before about empathy, about understanding other people’s beliefs and
behaviours and how these are shaped by our own experiences.
Alternative Beliefs
Common Ground
Doing charity work is building a bridge for the poor. Creating access to opportunities that otherwise one who is born underprivileged would not have access to.
Doing charity work is creating a dependence culture in the poor. This then creates a larger problem as the poor no longer look for opportunities to help themselves, but rather become dependent on aid.
Giving aid to the poor should be done in a manner that is sustainable to them and not create a dependent culture. Ensuring that the charity work done is aimed at helping people get out of poverty and has a long term
I do not believe that one should not do charity work because some may start to feel like they can not help themselves, I do however believe that one should be very considerate of the type of charity work done so as to not create a dependent culture.
I do not believe in abortion due to my Christian beliefs that go against any form of murder. Sex outside marriage is a large contributor to unwanted pregnancies and thus preaching safe sex within the confines of marriage is a starting point.
Abortion should be legalized to ensure that all women have control over their bodies and should not be forced to give birth to a child they cannot take care of, do not want or are not ready to have. This is to ensure that baby dumping numbers decrease and children are not left in orphanages or abounded.
Contraceptives should be accessible to all human beings regardless their background, or place of stay. This is to ensure that birth control is put in place to avoid unwanted pregnancies. Also, birth control education should be widely taught so as to ensure safe sexual encounters.
I acknowledge that not all sexual encounters are wanted and mistakes do happen in terms of contraceptives not being 100% safe and can have errors occur. Also, pregnancies can result of rape, so in such a case what is the solution? In truth I struggle with this topic because of what I am lead t believe religiously and the truth is that it is not always as straightforward as abortion is wrong. Thus, common ground is the allowance of those who find themselves pregnant to be granted the opportunity to decide how they will handle it personally and not an afflicted decision by
Think about a time recently when you have had conflict with another person and think...
1. What was the conflict?
The discussion was centered around feminism and the fact that the concept of feminism creates women who are unable to submit to their male partners and in turn the women are not able to with stand long term relationships, because men cannot handle women who want to be equal to them, because they then feel like the woman tries to wear the pants in the relationship. It was basically talking bout why strong feminist women end up single and not married.
2. What is your perspective?
The truth is that the number of strong feminist woman who are married to heterosexual men in our day and age are rare. Such that it is almost believed that in order for a woman to get married she must then succumb to societies pressure of not being strong and feminist. To put it bluntly, Chimanada Adichie says it best -
“We teach girls to shrink themselves, to make themselves smaller. We say to girls, you can have ambition, but not too much. You should aim to be successful, but not too successful. Otherwise, you would threaten the man. Because I am female, I am expected to aspire to marriage. I am expected to make my life choices always keeping in mind that marriage is the most important. Now marriage can be a source of joy and love and mutual support but why do we teach girls to aspire to marriage and we don’t teach boys the same? We raise girls to see each other as competitors not for jobs or accomplishments, which I think can be a good thing, but for the attention of men. We teach girls that they cannot be sexual beings in the way that boys are.”
My beliefs is that a woman should not shrink herself for the glory of a man, such that she must cower in her beliefs to appease a man. A true strong man will not need a woman to make herself small in order for him to see her value as well as what she can bring to the table. If not, then rather a woman stands firm in her feminist strong views, then loose herself in the name of appeasing men and society that refuses to see the equal value of women to men.
3. What is their perspective?
They believe that feminists are angry women who want to be men. Woman who cannot submit to a man and they want to be the ones to rule in any given relationship. This makes them undesirable to men, hence why they are generally single.
4. What is the overall purpose, what are you both trying to achieve?
I think they were trying to dismantle the strong views of a strong woman because of patriarchy and religious beliefs.
I was trying to bring across that equality is not dominance. Trying to attain an equal representation of both men and woman n high ranking positions and that women do not have to cower next to their male counterparts should not equate to wanting to dominate in a relations or dominate a man for that matter. Wanting equal rights as woman is a basic human right. Labeling it as angry is not right.
5. What combination of both will achieve the purpose most effectively?
Having men see feminism for what it without misconstruing it's facts. Taking away from the fight of feminism and then victimizing women to wanting to dominate. Also not making it seem like a strong woman is undesirable an that a strong woman cannot submit to her male partner. I think the understanding of feminism as a woman being able to choose the part she will play, whether she wants to serve her man or not, whether she wants to be a CEO or not, an ability to have that choice is what equality is.