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Guest Writer - Love & Peace

Memory Herman

Mavis Writes: We are officially on our fourth guest writer! This particular guest writer holds a special place in my heart. I have known her for over 11 years, loved her since I can remember! She is my dear friend Memory Herman. She is that friend who was always challenging the status quo, she is smart and witty, with a love for having a good time. She is an excellent writer, with a passion for blogging. She has a travel blog that speaks all things travel. With a dynamic portfolio, she too is studying to become a medical doctor! Let's get to know her a lot better, shall we?

What is the one thing you wish people knew about you?

I sit at my window pane, playing instrumental blues in the background, and watch as the snow falls in the winter. I do the exact same thing when flowers bloom in the spring. Then return again to the window as trees lose their leaves in the fall. But when summer comes around, I turn away from the window & shut the blinds. – I meditate.

What motto do I live by?

From his image, God created you looking into himself – do you really think he left out the power?

Who inspires me & why?

I’ve found inspiration in many people, from different walks of life & different parts of the world. I’ve come to know the value of good company and genuineness amongst many friends. People who have found a balance between the internal & external-self inspire me.

The hardest lesson life has taught me thus far?

Loneliness is a real thing and I feel it more so intensified by adulating, responsibilities of career building & the vast systems the world operates in today. If one does not find sufficient their own mental space & efforts – they may well end up looking for fulfilment in all the wrong places.

What was your happiest moment?

My happiest moments have been and will always be in the presence of family & friends. Time is of value when one has much to do, but putting schedules aside to connect with those closest to me – this I treasure. I appreciate people who know the value of & maximize the use of time.


Love & Peace

LOVE is a beautiful word and I believe it to be just that – a word, that everyone individually adds meaning & value to, as one person’s portrayal of love does not parallel that of another.

How do I add meaning /value to the act of loving myself?

By ensuring I do not disappoint myself in compromising the values I deem important. I am continuously trying to create an optimal mental space where peace, happiness & empathy are prioritized.

What gives me peace?

  1. Continuously adding value to myself & others - as well as knowing that I’m operating from a place of love & in reflection of the faith I seek to re-enforce on the daily. Neglecting to do this puts me at war within. From self-reflection, I’ve come to learn that compromised values are the one thing that can build towards jeopardizing the relationship I have with myself.

  2. Family & friends – thus I keep on pouring love, because the smile & laughter of someone in front of me brings a smile to my face. So what do I do, I try to re-inforce that happiness, to keep the cycle going.

  3. Empathy - I love to reflect off other people’s feelings – this allows me to share in their happiness or alternatively help them ease their own pain sourcing from a happier place within me.

My self-love journey is not solely about me; it is inspired, fueled & from time to time – catered to by the people around me. That’s why I find it just as important to reciprocate that love & bring about that same happiness in others.

Guest Writer - Memory

Read more of her work - Memory's Blog

Do you want to become a Guest Writer? Check out how you can - here.

BONUS - Mavis Writes: Well, here is a treat! However, you need to promise not to laugh! Who am I kidding, I myself had a good laugh! I mentioned that Memory and I have been friends forever right?

I found a picture that dates back to when we were in Grade 9, and although I have no idea why in the world we would pose like this. We did! Here are memory and I, living our very best lives!


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